“Socijalna inovacija u službi efikasnog ostvarivanja prava socijalne zaštite – Budi uključen!”
English: “Social innovation in the service of the effective use of rights of social protection – Be involved!”
Stranice / Pages: 132.
ISBN ISBN 978-86-87451-45-2
COBISS.SR-ID 212178956
Godina / Year: 2014.
“Prvi priručnik za polaganje stručnog ispita za posrednike u prometu i zakupu nepokretnosti na osnovu Zakona o posredovanju u prometu i zakupu nepokretnosti u Republici Srbiji : (“Sl. glasnik RS”, br. 95/2013)”
English: “The first manual for the professional exam for of real estate and lease of immovable property on the basis of the Law on Mediation in real estate and lease of immovable property in the Republic of Serbia : (official Gazette, br. 95/2013)”
Stranice / Pages: 946.
ISBN 978-86-87451-46-9, COBISS.SR-ID 212165900, Godina / Year: 2014.
“Pravila Evropske unije sa primenom odredaba o Acquis Communitaire u Zakonu o bezbednosti saobraćaja na putevima Republike Srbije (screening regulations of traffic) : Zakon o bezbednosti saobraćaja na putevima i prateći pravni akti – komentar i primeri”
English: “Rules of the European Union with the use of the provisions on Acquis Communautaire in the law on road traffic safety of the Republic of Serbia / screening regulations of traffic / Law on Road Traffic Safety and accompanying legal documents / comment and examples”
Stranice / Pages: 1041.
ISBN 978-86-87451-43-8, COBISS.SR-ID 209347084, Godina / Year: 2014.
“Pravni puls za efikasnije uključivanje u prava socijalne zaštite stanovnika grada Beograda : pravni akti, komentari i primer”
English: “Legal pulse for more effective inclusion in the social protection rights of inhabitants of the city of Belgrade: legal documents, comments and example”
Stranice / Pages: 481.
ISBN 978-86-87451-44-5
COBISS.SR-ID 211490316
Godina / Year: 2014.