
“Implementacija pravilnika o uslovima, sadržini i načinu izdavanja sertifikata o energetskim svojstvima zgrada u Republici Srbiji = Energy Certification and Method of Expressing Building Energy Performance”

English: “The implementation of the Ordinance on the conditions, content and manner of issuing certificates for the energy performance of buildings in the Republic of Serbia – Energy Certification and Method of Expressing Building Energy Performance”

Stranice / Pages: 135.

ISBN 978-86-87451-33-9

COBISS.SR-ID 194350092

Godina / Year: 2012.


“Evropska povelja o lokalnoj samoupravi i proces restitucije imovine lokalne samouprave u Republici Srbiji kao jedan od uslova za prijem u zajednicu evropskih država (EU)”

English: “European Charter of Local Self-Government and the process of restitution of local government in the Republic of Serbia as a condition for admission into the community of European states (EU)”

Stranice / Pages: 141.

ISBN 978-86-87451-30-8

COBISS.SR-ID  193289228

Godina / Year: 2012.


“Pravni menadžment primene zakona o rudarstvu i geološkim istraživanjima sa komparativnom analizom primene geotermalne energije u urbanističkim objektima kao doprinos Kjoto protokolu o promeni klime i zakon o vodama u Republici Srbiji”

English: “Legal management of the implementation of laws on mining and geological research with a comparative analysis of the implementation of geothermal energy in urban buildings as a contribution to the Kyoto Protocol on climate change and water legislation in the Republic of Serbia”

Stranice / Pages: 163.

ISBN 978-86-87451-31-5

COBISS.SR-ID  193287692

Godina / Year: 2012.


“Pravni menadžment i komparativna analiza propisa iz oblasti bezbednosti saobraćaja na putevima Republike Srbije : Zakon o bezbednosti saobraćaja na putevima i prateći pravni akti : komentar i primeri”

English: “Legal Management and comparative analysis of legislation in the field of road safety of the Republic of Serbia Law on Road Traffic Safety and the accompanying legal acts: Comment and examples”

Stranice / Pages: 847.

ISBN 978-86-87451-32-2 (NC)

COBISS.SR-ID 193289996

Godina / Year: 2012.


“Pravni menadžment i komparativna analiza primene Zakona o planiranju i izgradnji, Zakona o javnoj svojini, Zakona o vraćanju oduzete imovine i obeštećenju u Republici Srbiji”

English: “Legal Management and comparative analysis of the implementation of the Law on Planning and Construction, the Law on Public Property, the Law on Property Restitution and Compensation in the Republic of Serbia”

Stranice / Pages: 810.

ISBN 978-86-87451-28-5

COBISS.SR-ID  190078220

Godina / Year: 2012.

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