“Korupcija u urbanističkoj delatnosti Srbije : (2000-2010)”
English: “Corruption in Serbia urban law activities: (2000-2010)”
Stranice / Pages: 123.
ISBN 978-86-87451-15-5
COBISS.SR-ID 177594892
Godina / Year: 2010.
“Pravni menadžment propisa o komunalnoj policiji u Republici Srbiji”
English: “Legal regulations on the management of municipal police in the Republic of Serbia”
Stranice / Pages: 69.
ISBN 978-86-87451-13-1
COBISS.SR-ID 174533900
Godina / Year: 2010.
“Implementacija Zakona o planiranju i izgradnji Republike Srbije (Urban Law) i hrestomatija pratećih propisa”
English: “Implementation of the Law on Planning and Construction of the Republic of Serbia (Urban Law) and chrestomathy of accompanying regulations”
Stranice / Pages: 450.
ISBN 978-86-87451-20-9
COBISS.SR-ID 180727820
Godina / Year: 2010.
“Sudska kontrola uprave od Ustava iz 1869 godine i primena Zakona o prekršajima iz 2009 godine”
English: “Judicial control of the administration of the Constitution in 1869 and the implementation of the Law on Offences of 2009”
Stranice / Pages: 138.
ISBN 978-86-87451-19-3
COBISS.SR-ID 179874828
Godina / Year: 2010.
“Evropska konvencija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda i komentar Zakona o prekršajima Republike Srbije”
English: “The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the comment of the Law on Minor Offences of the Republic of Serbia”
Stranice / Pages: 118.
ISBN 978-86-87451-18-6
COBISS.SR-ID 179758092
Godina / Year: 2010.
“Komparativna analiza Građanskog zakonika za Kraljevinu Srbiju iz 1844. godine, Evropske konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda i Zakon o udruženjima Republike Srbije”
English: “Comparative analysis of the Civil Code of the Kingdom of Serbia from 1844, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the Law on Associations of the Republic of Serbia”
Stranice / Pages: 168.
ISBN 978-86-87451-17-9
COBISS.SR-ID 179301132
“Pravne odredbe prostornog i urbanističkog planiranja Republike Srbije”
English: “Legal provisions of spatial and urban planning of the Republic of Serbia”
Stranice / Pages: 151.
ISBN 978-86-87451-14-8
COBISS.SR-ID 175689484
Godina / Year: 2010.
“Urabnističko pravo”
English: “Urban law”
Stranice / Pages: 219.
ISBN 978-86-87451-12-4
COBISS.SR-ID 172925708
Godina / Year: 2010.