
“Pravni menadžment primene sredstava obezbeđenja potraživanja u urbanističkom pravu : (komentar i prateće odredbe)”

English: “Legal management application of collateral claims in urban law: (comment and accompanying regulations)”

Stranice / Pages: 131.

ISBN 978-86-87451-09-4

COBISS.SR-ID  171359244

Godina / Year: 2009.


“Komentar Zakona o planiranju i izgradnji republike Srbije : (komentar i prateće odredbe)”

English: “Commentary of the Law on planning and construction of the Republic of Serbia (commentary and accompanying regulations)”

Stranice / Pages: 96.

ISBN 978-86-87451-08-7

COBISS.SR-ID 171330828

Godina / Year: 2009.


“Pravni menadžment primene Zakona o planiranju i izgradnji u Republici Srbiji : (komentar i prateće odredbe)”

English: “Legal Management of the Law on planning and construction in Serbia: (comment and supporting provisions)”

Stranice / Pages: 375.

ISBN 978-86-87451-07-0

COBISS.SR-ID  170522892

Godina / Year: 2009.


“Pravni menadžment i Zakon o javnim nabavkama Republike Srbije : sa komentarom i pratećim propisima”

English: “Legal Management and Public Procurement Law of the Republic of Serbia with commentary and accompanying regulations”

Stranice / Pages: 102.

ISBN 978-86-87451-06-3

COBISS.SR-ID  168891660

Godina / Year: 2009.


“Implementacija Zakona o planiranju i izgradnji Republike Srbije i Zakona o opštem upravnom postupku”

English: “Implementation of the Law on Planning and Construction of the Republic of Serbia and the Law on Administrative Procedure”

Stranice / Pages: 112.

ISBN 978-86-87451-05-6

COBISS.SR-ID 168891148

Godina / Year: 2009.


“Pravne odredbe za izgradnju objekata u Beogradu. Knj. 2 / Pravno-tehičke odredbe za izgradnju objekata u Beogradu”

Zbirka: Priručnik za investitore

English: “Legal provisions for the construction of buildings in Belgrade. Book 2 / Legal to technical provisions for the construction of buildings in Belgrade”

Collection: Manual for Investors

Stranice / Pages: 432. ISBN 978-86-87451-03-2, COBISS.SR-ID 155901964, Godina / Year: 2009.


“Pravne odredbe za izgradnju objekata u Beogradu. Knj. 1 / Pravno-tehičke odredbe za izgradnju objekata u Beogradu”

Zbirka: Priručnik za investitore

English: “Legal provisions for the construction of buildings in Belgrade. Book 1 / Legal to technical provisions for the construction of buildings in Belgrade”

Collection: Manual for Investors

Stranice / Pages: 432. ISBN 978-86-87451-03-2, COBISS.SR-ID 155901964, Godina / Year: 2009.


“Implementacija pravnih odredaba Evropske unije u funkciji privrednog razvoja Srbije sa komparativno nomotehničkom analizom urbanističko-građevinske regulative”

English: “The implementation of the legal provisions of the European Union to help the economic development of Serbia with comparatively bad technical analysis of urban building regulations”

Stranice / Pages: 348.

ISBN 978-86-87451-02-5

COBISS.SR-ID 155893004

Godina / Year: 2009.


“Komentar zakona o opštem upravnom postupku u postupku primene zakona o planiranju i izgradnji”

English: “Laws omment on general administrative procedure in the process of implementation of the law on planning and construction”

Stranice / Pages: 112.

ISBN 978-86-87451-01-8

COBISS.SR-ID  155869452

Godina / Year: 2009.

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